The Wilderness Science Center Study
By Natalie White

Wilderness Science Center

Update on the Second Week of September

Roasy Boea Yesterday Mr. Spake took me out to test the water quality of the Blue River that runs behind the property. We got information on pH, phosphates, turbidity, and. conductivity. I really learned a lot and know how to properly do it step by step.

Today I fed the snakes. I just thought it’d be a great to share a picture.

After the Morning Rain

This morning there was a lightning storm in Stilwell, KS. As I was walking around the property to observe and take pictures this later afternoon, there was lots of worms and night-crawlers on the paths from the rain. I also noticed a lot more spider webs that had been made across the trails since yesterday. I went to the site where we have a view of the Blue River. It wasn’t running very fast, but it looked like it was a lot higher.

Beginning of September

On Labor Day it had rained quite a bit. Even though today was sunny, the prairie lands and grass were still flatted by the rain and wind the day prier. Observing the property I noticed a lot of different bugs and insects around that I haven’t noticed before on the path. Mostly, grasshopper and bees flying/jumping everywhere: on plants, the ground, and me! The most annoying thing I found was that there were spider/spiderwebs everywhere, especially on the paths. Sadly, I had to take down many spiders homes so I could enjoy the hot sunny day of the path.


I have completed my first two full weeks of my independent study at the Wilderness Science Center. It has been a great experience so far working with animals, classes, and Mr. Spake. I’m so excited for all the things I’ll be accomplishing this year through this program. Conservation and education are my passions and will get to put both of them together. I’m so glad I have this opportunity at the WCS and will be posting/blogging information and events that happen here!

-Natalie White